Even if you are government spokesperson, street kid, or any local person but if you live in South Africa you have rights. It is stated clear in the constitution bill of rights that anyone has a right to privacy, freedom of speech, etc. Why Manto Shabalala rights were violated? It’s a standing question. I want to agree with Manto's lawyer comment that the whole situation is “a part of Vendetta against the minister and efforts to destroy her”. Sunday times published an article about Manto Shabalala state of drinking based on her health records which are private. I do not encourage what Manto did but she never lead any person to drink alcohol so it’s her life and her body. Listen to what Manto says and do not do as she does. A senior health department said that "Manto preaches a moderate lifestyle to people with HIV/AIDS and tells pregnant women not to drink because of foetal alcohol syndrome. I do not know what more people expect from her because she points right way its up to people to choose. Why can't we remember her good side because she has proven to be one of the strongest feminists? Without rights who is Righteous or perfect in this world? Why Manto cannot be given a chance to prove herself as a good minister? If you have never made a mistake on earth I can say go on judge her if you did make a mistake give Manto another chance to lead