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Set yourself free

Genocide survivor Immaculée Ilibagiza
spent 91 days in a toilet in Rwanda.

Sometimes we torture ourselves by not forgiveness others. If you say you are free while your heart is filled with hatred for other people you are lying to yourself. We find that in everday lives for example there was a story in Media24 about Immaculée Ilibagiza who forgave her family killers. forgiveness is possible but yet difficult. We forgive because we want to set ourselves free. Sometimes the person you are angry with does not even care or they do not know about your problem. Sometimes people come and apologise to us after that they forget about the problem but some of us we remain holding to the hatred. My friend Thami once told me something when we were entering an English lecture she said “I hate that girl. I do not even want to sit next to her we must find another place to sit”. Unfortunately those were the last chairs left I set next to that girl because I had no problem with her. I am telling you she decided to sit in the floor. The other girl was sitting comfortable while she was torturing herself. It continued and the other day we were in the closing function of Toastmasters and we were eating and chatting on the table with other girls and the girl appeared, she stopped eating. She became unhappy the whole event and the other girl was eating, laughing and enjoying the function. The thing I noticed is that when we do not forgive we all other people to have power over us. They can make your day a worse one but if you forgive you are setting yourself free, forgive others.
